Natural medicine provides many modalities to strengthen the body and support its innate healing ability. Pharmaceuticals and surgical interventions are much too commonplace in our modern lifestyle; they have become a first-line defense when they should be a last resort or used only when absolutely necessary. Acupuncture and other natural healing modalities are very effective and can correct many imbalances in the body while avoiding invasive surgical procedures or unwanted side-effects from medications. Beyond treating illness and injury, we can also maintain and enhance good health and well being, preventing disease and slowing the aging process.
Modern western medicine is extremely powerful and sometimes very appropriate. The most effective patient care is achieved when combining the best of what modern western and traditional eastern medicine has to offer. The result is personalized patient care that addresses both the symptoms as well as the root cause of disease. The outcome is swift resolution of symptoms with lasting relief.
We treat each patient with the same time and care and consider the whole person so as to determine the cause and fully understand the effects of a condition. Our goal is to provide the best healthcare possible and we will use all of our attention, skills, and resources in doing so. If we are not the best fit for your case, we will refer you to someone who is. Your health is our number one priority.