Acupuncture is extremely safe when performed by skilled and qualified practitioners. We practice the highest level of safety and precautions to provide the most effective treatments while minimizing risk. Each treatment utilizes single-use, sterile acupuncture needles that are new for each patient and disposed of after each use.
Thousands of hours of training and years of experience allow for accurate diagnosis and precise application of acupuncture technique. Despite taking all possible measures, there are possible side effects. The most common of which are bruising and muscle soreness. Bruising is less likely bust does happen. Muscle soreness is expected after stronger musculoskeletal treatments. You can expect 24-48 hours of soreness that feels similar to sore muscles after a workout. After that period, most experience a significant improvement in symptoms.
Other side effects are very rare but do exist. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and share your thoughts. We would be happy to explain any aspect of the treatment. This medicine is not meant to be mysterious or exclusive. It is an ancient medicine with thousands of years of practice and significant modern applications.